

I have been working in accounting for over 7 years, Worked in EY as an auditor for 5 years, 2 year in Investment Accounting and currently working as a Finance Manager in fitness Industry.

Doing my project was a big task, it took allot of time, my mentor supported me a lot. From that time, I decided to become mentor myself and give back to society. I feel a natural satisfaction when I help others learn and grow. I have been Mentoring since 2015.

My mentorship style is very comforting, you would find yourself getting close to myself and asking for advice in other matters of your life as well. I am positive and try to promote positivity and motivation in my mentees.

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1. Access to online BSC course by the Mentor

a. Mentor meeting checklists

b. Referencing guide

c. topic selection guide

d. company selection guide for topic

e. final submission checklist

f. videos and guidance on other materials

g. Specific guidance on ICB (industries)

2. Two mentoring meetings and one final presentation meeting.

3. Three Reviews of your RAP and other documents

4. Upto 100 Emails support

5. Signoff

I think I have an idea how to do my project but I am not entirely sure. I need guidance on each step and help from my mentor.


$ CAD800

1. Access to online BSC course by the Mentor

a. Mentor meeting checklists

b. Referencing guide

c. topic selection guide

d. company selection guide for topic

e. final submission checklist

f. videos and guidance on other materials

g. Specific guidance on ICB (industries)

2. Eight mentoring meetings and one final Presentations.

3. Recordings of the mentoring meetings available.

4. Ten Reviews of your RAP and other documents

5. Unlimited Emails support

6. On-spot unlimited Whats-app support

7. Signoff

I lack experience in report writing and I foresee this will be a big challenge. A 7,500 words report is way out of my comfort zone. I need a mentor to give me intensive personal attention. As I will probably edit and improve my report frequently, I would appreciate my mentor reading my report more than once.



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